Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Charlie and chocolate factory reflection

In this trimester our ESL class read book call 'Charlie and the chocolate factory’. Its main story was one poor child called Charlie get the one of the most precious called Mr. Wonka’s golden ticket, and it made by Mr.Wonka. Mr. Wonka is chairman of the biggest chocolate factory. He invented many chocolate and candy, also he made some numerous gum or other inventions. Except Charlie their have 4 more children, and their name is Violet, Veruca, Mike and Augustus. Also, those of 4 guys are all spoiled and naughty. Therefore, in Mr.Wonka’s factory, and each of them got problems. However, Charlie became chairman of Factory.

After read this story, I thought author is really creative and have really great ideas. This is because, most of stories are start at city, country side and ETC. However, he started story at chocolate factory. Also in the factory, I can imagine and I think many things. Those of reasons I thought Charlie and the chocolate factory was great book.